World War I
Service Men and Women of Placer County, California

This index is compiled and placed on-line by the Placer County Genealogical Society
through the volunteer efforts of Barbara Leak, Jerry Unruh and Ron Young.

The following names of men and women from Placer County who gave military service in World War I is taken from the History of Placer and Nevada Counties, California, by W.B. Lardner and M.J. Brock (Los Angeles: Historic Record Co., 1924). Lardner and Brock extracted the names from listings originally published in the Placer Herald newspaper of March 8, 1919.

The names were published in six categories:
1. Names of the Enlisted
2. Names of the Inducted
3. Student Army Training Camp
4. Somewhere in France
5. Casualty List
6. Honor Roll

The category "Somewhere in France" names those who saw service on foreign fields. Most of these served in Europe, but a few were with the forces in Siberia and are so noted.

For ease of searching, the Placer County Genealogical Society has consolidated the names from all six categories into a single, alphabetical listing. There is some duplication of names. However, approximately 665 Placer County service men and women are identified.

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Photocopies from the History of Placer and Nevada Counties may be obtained by writing to the Placer County Genealogical Society. Please see our Research Policy for ordering instructions.

Last Name       Given Names        Hometown           Category     Page Additional Information
--------------- ------------------ ------------------ ------------- --- ----------------------
Lackey          Harold Elwood      Roseville          training camp 310                                       
Lakey           Andrew M.          Newcastle          inducted      309                                       
Lallos          John               Auburn             inducted      309                                       
Langan          Gordon S.          Roseville          Honor Roll    313 U.S. Army                             
Langan          Gordon S.          Roseville          casualty      313 died while serving in the armed forces
Langston        Joseph M.          Roseville          inducted      309                                       
Lardner         E. H.              Penryn             inducted      309                                       
Lardner         Ed                 Penryn             France        312                                       
Lareau          Joseph Leo         Central Falls      enlisted      306                                       
Larkin          Wm.                Roseville          inducted      309                                       
Larsen          Edward Andrew      Loomis             Honor Roll    313 U.S. Navy                             
Larsen          Edward Andrew      Loomis             casualty      313 died while serving in the armed forces
Larson          Alfred Christian   Loomis             enlisted      306                                       
Lathrop         George Barnett     Newcastle          enlisted      306                                       
Leahy           Clarence Richey    Sheridan           enlisted      306                                       
Leak            John Amiel         Penryn             inducted      309                                       
Leak            William A.         Auburn             inducted      309                                       
Leary           Jerry              Newcastle          inducted      309                                       
Lee             Donald A.          Towle              training camp 310                                       
Lehtola         Ed                 Rocklin            France        312                                       
Lentz           Alfred E.          Roseville          training camp 310                                       
Lenz            Richard Walden     Roseville          enlisted      306                                       
Linnell         Arthur E.          Roseville          inducted      309                                       
Lloyd           Eugene C.          Roseville          inducted      309                                       
Lofland         Knox               Auburn             enlisted      306                                       
Lohse           Marcel P.          Colfax             enlisted      306                                       
Lonergan        John               Rocklin            France        312                                       
Long            Albert H.          Sheridan           inducted      309                                       
Long            Floyd Otis                            inducted      309                                       
Lovejoy         Arthur Albert      Lincoln            inducted      309                                       
Lovejoy         Warren Green       Lincoln            inducted      309                                       
Low             George, Corp.      Applegate          France        310                                       
Lowe            George P.          Applegate          enlisted      306                                       
Lundgren        William            Donner             enlisted      306                                       
Lyles           Francis M.         Penryn             inducted      309                                       
Maas            Allan Lester       Clipper Gap        training camp 310                                       
Madden          Homer              Newcastle          enlisted      307                                       
Maginnis        Wills H.           Dutch Flat         inducted      309                                       
Major           Robert William     Donner             enlisted      307                                       
Manfredi        Eugene             Roseville          inducted      309                                       
Marley          Archie             Newcastle          France        312                                       
Martin          George Kern        Roseville          enlisted      307                                       
Martin          Weaver F.          Sheridan           enlisted      307                                       
Mason           James J.           Newcastle          inducted      309                                       
Mason           Thomas Volk        Lincoln            enlisted      307                                       
Mattis          Harry R.           Lincoln            inducted      309                                       
May             Elbridge J.        Newcastle          France        312                                       
May             Walter Sidney      Roseville          enlisted      307                                       
Maynard         W. Z.              Roseville          inducted      309                                       
McAninch        Archie             Auburn             France        311                                       
McAninch        Archie             Auburn             enlisted      306                                       
McAulay         John               Auburn             France        311                                       
McBride         Charlie            Forest Hill Divide France        311                                       
McCargar        Jonas Lincoln      Lincoln            enlisted      306                                       
McCloud         A. E.              Clipper Gap        inducted      309                                       
McCord          B. T.              Newcastle          inducted      309                                       
McCord          Byron T.           Newcastle          France        312                                       
McCullough      F., Dr.            Lincoln            France        311                                       
McDonald        Andrew             Forest Hill        inducted      309                                       
McElroy         James N.                              inducted      309                                       
McEwen          F.                 Newcastle          France        312                                       
McFadden        J. H.              Forest Hill        inducted      309                                       
McFadden        Jack               Forest Hill Divide France        311                                       
McGinley        Ed                 Newcastle          enlisted      306                                       
McGlade         John J.            Clipper Gap        enlisted      306                                       
McKeon          Warren A.          Auburn             Honor Roll    313 U.S. Army                             
McKeon          Warren A.          Auburn             casualty      313 died while serving in the armed forces
McKeon          Warren A.          Newcastle          inducted      309                                       
McKiernan       Charles Preston    Roseville          enlisted      306                                       
McKiernan       George Cleveland   Roseville          enlisted      306                                       
McKinney        George Carlton     Auburn             enlisted      307                                       
McKisson        George A.          Forest Hill Divide France        311                                       
McLellan        Ray A.             Auburn             inducted      309                                       
McMahon         Thomas Owen        Lincoln            enlisted      307                                       
McRae           Dodrick Joseph     Van Trent          enlisted      307                                       
Mealia          Tony A.            Roseville          inducted      309                                       
Mehl            Hugo               Loomis             France        311                                       
Mehl            Irwin              Loomis             France        311                                       
Mehl            Irwin Ward         Loomis             enlisted      307                                       
Melarkey        E. W.              Dutch Flat         France        311                                       
Melarkey        E. W.              Dutch Flat         inducted      309                                       
Melton          William Chandler   Michigan Bluff     enlisted      307                                       
Merrithew       L. G.              Gold Run           inducted      309                                       
Merz            Arthur R.          Towle              inducted      309                                       
Merz            Frank              Lincoln            inducted      309                                       
Michael         Ben                Auburn             France        311                                       
Michael         Benjamin F.        Auburn             casualty      313 wounded in action                     
Michael         Benjamin F.        Lincoln            enlisted      307                                       
Michael         C. G.              Roseville          inducted      309                                       
Michael         Carl               Roseville          France        312                                       
Michael         John Lester        East Auburn        enlisted      307                                       
Michel          Glen               Newcastle          France        312                                       
Michelini       Orest              Tahoe              inducted      309                                       
Miller          Charles William    Auburn             enlisted      307                                       
Miller          Henry              Loomis             France        311                                       
Miller          Henry E.           Loomis             France        311                                       
Mills           Patrick Charles R. Roseville          enlisted      307                                       
Mirizzi         Joseph             Lincoln            inducted      309                                       
Misenheimer     Charles F.                            inducted      309                                       
Misley          Bud                Loomis             enlisted      307                                       
Misley          Harold T.          Loomis             France        311                                       
Mitchell        Grover             Newcastle          France        312                                       
Mizzy           Dan David          Lincoln            inducted      309                                       
Moody           Buel               Colfax             enlisted      307                                       
Moore           Harry Gardner      Roseville          enlisted      307                                       
Moroni          Joseph             Roseville          inducted      309                                       
Moroni          Julio              Roseville          inducted      309                                       
Mott            Freddie            Newcastle          enlisted      307                                       
Mueller         Albert Venlow      Lincoln            training camp 310                                       
Mulligan        Ira                                   inducted      309                                       
Murch           Jesse M.           Lincoln            inducted      309                                       
Murphy          Eugene John        Roseville          inducted      309                                       
Murray          Lewis Alonzo       Auburn             enlisted      307                                       
Mury            John A.            Last Chance        inducted      309 late of Last Chance                   
Musso           Alpha, Miss        Bowman             France        311                                       
Musso           Fedel              Bowman             France        311                                       
Musso           Fedel              Bowman             enlisted      307                                       
Myers           Chester            Forest Hill Divide France        311                                       
Naval           Stephen G.         Roseville          inducted      309                                       
Nelson          C. G.              Roseville          inducted      309                                       
Nelson          George             Rocklin            France        312                                       
Nelson          George Herbert     Rocklin            enlisted      307                                       
Nelson          Harold             Newcastle          inducted      309                                       
Nelson          Harold A.          Newcastle          France        312                                       
Nelson          Harry              Lincoln            France        311                                       
Nelson          Walter             Lincoln            France        311                                       
Nelson          Wendel E.                             inducted      309                                       
Nelville        C.                 Lincoln            France        311                                       
Nettle          Ralph Irvin                           inducted      309                                       
Newhouse        Rawleigh Wilson    Roseville          enlisted      307                                       
Nichols         Lemberis           Auburn             inducted      309                                       
Nielsen         Christian                             inducted      309                                       
Ninas           Henry              Auburn             France        311                                       
Ninas           Henry H.           Auburn             enlisted      307                                       
Noyes           Edwin A.           Lincoln            inducted      309                                       
Nunes           Charles            Forest Hill        inducted      309                                       
Nunez           Charles            Forest Hill Divide France        311                                       
Nunez           Charles            Forest Hill        casualty      313 wounded                               
O'Brien         Thomas J.          Auburn             inducted      309                                       
O'Connor        Arthur             Loomis             France        311                                       
O'Connor        Arthur Martin      Loomis             enlisted      307                                       
O'Connor        Theresa            Roseville          France        312                                       
O'Neil          F. A.                                 inducted      309                                       
Olmstead        Ray                Forest Hill Divide France        311                                       
Olmstead        Raymond            Forest Hill        inducted      309                                       
Olsen           Earnest            Donner             inducted      309                                       
Orsto           Bini               Colfax             enlisted      307                                       
Owens           Otis               Newcastle          France        312                                       
Pacheco         Joseph             Lincoln            enlisted      307                                       
Palmer          Major              Auburn             France        311                                       
Pangborn        Ernest Ralph       Roseville          enlisted      307                                       
Parker          Harry              Auburn             France        311                                       
Parker          Harry              Auburn             enlisted      307                                       
Parker          Ivan Henry Jr.     Auburn             training camp 310                                       
Patrick         R. A.              Dutch Flat         inducted      309                                       
Patrick         Richard A.         Dutch Flat         France        311                                       
Peers           R. A., Dr.         Colfax             France        311                                       
Pendleton       C. G.              Loomis             inducted      309                                       
Pentilla        Lauri              Rocklin            France        312                                       
Perris          Nick               Auburn             inducted      309                                       
Perry           Alfred M.          Newcastle          inducted      309                                       
Perry           George             Newcastle          France        312                                       
Perry           George Norman      Newcastle          enlisted      307                                       
Perry           Joseph Philip      Newcastle          inducted      309                                       
Peters          W. B.              Lincoln            France        311                                       
Peterson        Ray                Newcastle          France        312                                       
Phillips        Russel G.          Roseville          inducted      309                                       
Pickering       L. E.              Roseville          inducted      309                                       
Pickering       Newman E.          Roseville          inducted      309                                       
Pigott          Tom                Newcastle          France        312                                       
Pittock         Harry J.           Alta               inducted      309                                       
Polson          William Wallace    Auburn             training camp 310                                       
Ponce           Joe                Rocklin            France        312                                       
Ponce           Joe                                   inducted      309                                       
Porter          Leroy C.                              inducted      309                                       
Porter          S. G.              Roseville          inducted      309                                       
Power           Edward             Auburn             enlisted      307                                       
Power           Harold             Auburn             France        311                                       
Power           Harold M., Lieut.  Auburn             France        311                                       
Power           Henry F., Lieut.   Auburn             France        311                                       
Pratt           Tom                Newcastle          France        312                                       
Preice          Frank              Roseville          France        312                                       
Preisser        Tony               Loomis             France        311 served in Siberia                     
Prisser         Tony J.            Roseville          inducted      309                                       
Proctor         Robert E.          Auburn             inducted      309                                       
Prothero        Guy Preston        Roseville          enlisted      307                                       
Prythevch       Owen               Tahoe              inducted      309                                       
Puccetti        Fino               Roseville          inducted      309                                       
Pugh            Harold Walker      Auburn             training camp 310                                       
Purdy           Floyd              Rocklin            France        312                                       
Quinliven       Charles            Auburn             France        311                                       
Quinliven       Charles            Auburn             casualty      313 gassed in action; not fatal           
Quinliven       Charles            Auburn             inducted      309                                       
Quinn           Clarence H.        Loomis             enlisted      307                                       
Quinn           Norman             Loomis             France        311                                       
Randolph        Victor Strong      Colfax             enlisted      307                                       
Rasmussen       A. K.              Loomis             inducted      309                                       
Reading         Beach              Auburn             enlisted      307                                       
Rechenmacher    F.                 Auburn             France        311                                       
Rechenmacher    Ferdinand          Auburn             enlisted      307                                       
Rector          Frank L.           Donner             inducted      309                                       
Reeves          Lloyd C.           Lincoln            inducted      309                                       
Reynolds        Otto               Auburn             enlisted      307                                       
Rhoades         J. L.              Roseville          inducted      309                                       
Rhode           Andrew             Lincoln            France        311                                       
Richardson      Edward             Lincoln            inducted      309                                       
Robinson        John Hartson       Auburn             training camp 310                                       
Robinson        Marion G.          Roseville          inducted      309                                       
Robinson        S. B., Lieut.      Auburn             France        311                                       
Roddan          Carrol             Loomis             France        311                                       
Rodden          Carroll            Loomis             enlisted      307                                       
Rodoni          George T.          Roseville          inducted      309                                       
Rogers          Walter Radcliffe   Forest Hill        enlisted      307                                       
Rojas           Olympia            Roseville          inducted      309                                       
Rollins         Bethel             Colfax             France        311                                       
Rollins         Sam                Colfax             France        311                                       
Rollins         Sam                Colfax             casualty      313 wounded in action                     
Rollins         William B.         Colfax             inducted      309                                       
Romani          Raffeallo          Weimar             inducted      309                                       
Rooney          Harry              Auburn             France        311                                       
Ross            Kirby              Lincoln            France        311                                       
Rossen          Marvin             Forest Hill Divide France        311                                       
Rosson          M.                 Michigan Bluff     inducted      309                                       
Roumage         F. S., Capt.       Auburn             France        311                                       
Royer           Paul T.            Roseville          inducted      309                                       
Russell         E. B.              Lincoln            inducted      309                                       
Russell         Ralph              Auburn             France        311                                       
Rutherford      Jesse Webster      Loomis             enlisted      307                                       
Ryan            James Thomas       Loomis             enlisted      307                                       
Ryan            Tom                Loomis             France        311                                       

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